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Q: What culture abuses their children the most?
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The abuses children face --hollz WA

What abuses did children face working in factories?

Children faces all types of abuses when working in factories. These abuses included but were not only limited to: bad working conditions, low to no wages, hazardous jobs, and overwork without break. However, these abuses have been diminished due to the government's acts on child labor.

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What kind of abuses does the Spaniards do to the Filipinos?

During the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, the Spaniards committed various abuses against the Filipinos, including forced labor, land seizure, high taxation, suppression of native culture and traditions, and violent repression of uprisings against Spanish rule. They also imposed discriminatory social hierarchies that favored Spaniards and marginalized Filipino natives.

What are the adverse effects of western culture on Indian youth?

the western culture effects the children in the east by changing their culture from the traditional followed in India to the pop culture of the western world this isn't appreciated by most elders

Positive impact of western culture on India?

The western culture has had some positive impacts on India. The most notable are increased human rights for women and children.

Were aboriginal children forced to take on western culture?

Yes they were forced to take on western culture in the period between 1905 and 1969. Most Aboriginal children were forcibly taken off their parents and family and placed into homes with Australians/Europeans and forced to take on the western culture.

What is the name of the man who promotes child love?

If you are referring to a man who sexually abuses children it's called a pedophile.

What is the town's opinion of Bob Ewell?

That he is a drunken idiot that no one likes and he is a menace to the community and abuses and neglects his children.

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Who abuses children?

Matthew Hymes Mean people who don't deserve kids at all and people who should go to jail