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permanent redness, loss of pigment in the skin, and breakdown of the collagen that maintains the elasticity of the skin

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Q: What damage can sunlight cause an area affected by scar revision surgery?
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Plants need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight into energy. Sunlight provides the energy needed for plants to produce glucose, which is then used as fuel for growth and development. Plants also rely on sunlight to regulate their growth patterns, including the direction and length of stems and leaves through a process called phototropism. However, excessive sunlight exposure can also cause damage to plants, leading to sunburn, wilting, and even death.

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stroke, damage to the brain stem, infection, leakage of spinal fluid and damage to the cranial nerves. Hearing loss and/or tinnitis often result from the surgery

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If it is exposed to sunlight while being in excessive heat it can damage the internals of the camera.

How are people affected by this damage to the environment?

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