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Q: What sense is not affected by damage to the thalamus?
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What sense does not go through thalamus?

The sense of smell can bypass the thalamus, it is only secondarily sent through it when you are analyzing or comparing it to other smells.

Is the only sense in which signals can reach the cerebral cortex without passing first through the thalamus?

The sense of smell can bypass the thalamus, it is only secondarily sent through it when you are analyzing or comparing it to other smells.

Brain structure that receives messages from sense organs?


Signals from the neurons of which sense are NOT sent to the cortex by the thalamus?


What part of the brain serves as the relay station for receiving information from the sense organs and sending it to the cerebal cortex for processing?

The thalamus

Is the damage to the thalamus impairs consciousness and the awake and sleep cycles?


Which sense system's information goes directly to the limbic system without passing first through the thalamus?

The sense of smell is directed through the limbic system without passing through the thalamus first.

What special senses is relayed directly to the cerebral cortex without going to the thalamus?

Its smell Information goes to olfactory cortex of the frontal lobe without going through the thalamus. Its the only major sense that does not go through the thalamus

Is the thalamus affected by cadasil?

Most patients with cadasil experience pain in the head with headache, or migraine.

Can damage to the thalamus be corrected?

Unfortunately, medical science is not able to fix damaged brains.

Which type of sensory information does not pass through the thalamus?

A person's sense of smell does not first need to be processed by the Thalamus before entering the Cortex. This is often times why a smell can cause a memory recall faster than other kinds of sensory input.

If the thalamus is damaged which senses if any would be affected?

Damage to the cerebrum results in various problems depending on the intensity of injury and part affected. Damage to the - occipital lobe can lead to hampered vision. temporal lobe can lead to hearing and balance impairments parietal and frontal lobe can lead to loss of memory, learning skills, coordination, reasoning etc.