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the inner core of the brain.

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Q: What damaged has cerebellum?
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If the were damaged you would have difficulty forming new memories.?


How do you make a sentence using cerebellum?

This is the part of your brain at the beginning of your spinal cord. Here are some sentences.The three parts of your brain are the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem.Your cerebellum is responsible for balance, among other things.The accident damaged his cerebellum.

If someone had an injury that damaged the cerebellum how would that affect the persons ability to drive a car?

If someone had an injury that damaged the cerebellum it would that affect the persons ability to drive a car. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for the coordination of motor control and once its is damaged, driving might be almost impossible.

What part of the brain is damaged if a person is unable to maintain the balance and posture of his body?


If a person's cerebellum were damaged in an accident you would expect the person to have a problem with what?

Balance and muscle coordination.

Has anyone ever agained balance after a stroke to the cerebellum?

Sometimes, persons treated for Cerebellum Strokes gain their balance as a result of the brain reorganizing its function and natural replacement of the damaged part.

What area of the brain is responsible for coordinating movement and is the region most frequently damaged in association with chronic consumption?

cerebellum A+

What area of the brain is responsible for coordinating and is the region most frequently damaged in association with chronic alcohol consumption?

cerebellum A+

What part of the brain would be damaged if someone lives in the moment with no ability to think ahead?

the damage must be in the cerebellum

What is the job of the your leg bones?

Well, if your Cerebellum that helps your balance is damaged then your imobile. But if not than the help you move. PS I am only 10

Which is bigger medulla cerebrum or the cerebellum?

r cerebellum

Which area of the brain is responsible for coordinating movement and is thr region most frequently damaged in association with chronic alcohol cosumption?

Cerebral cortex