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Q: What data is being stored in Google?
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Google Chrome's cookies are kept the same place as the cache and history. It is stored in the program Data in the disk.

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Saved places are stored in a local file named myplaces.kml. This file is stored in a different location than the Google Earth application data so uninstalling or reinstalling Google Earth has no effect on the saved places.Reinstalling Google Earth will use the previous saved places data if available otherwise it will create the initial saved places if none existed before.

Data and programs not currently being used by computer are stored in?


What is data stored?

stored data is data that gets placed in different places on a computer but there is different types of stored data

What is a place where data is stored?

data is stored in RAM modules

What is a example of tape being used in a sentence as an adjective?

Data can be stored on a tape drive.

What kind of information is stored inside the computer?

The specific term is "input data". The general term "data" can refer to "input data", "output data", "stored data" inside the computer, the data being processed by the computer's CPU, etc.

Can you define what is a computer data?

computer data is the information which is being processed or one can say stored in the memory of the central processing unit.

What is the way data is stored in the Windows OS?

Data is stored on the hard disc. The more memory hard disc has the more data can be stored.

How many register in computer?

There are 14 Regiters in the computer where data is stored which is currently being process

What is typically stored in RAM?

Bits of data pertaining to what applications are currently being run on a computer.