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Q: What data would be most useful for describing the climate of a specific area?
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What is the first factor that affects climate?

A climate is just the statistics of weather at a specific location. So the first factor for climate would be location.

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Would the word elbow be a specific noun?

Elbow is in fact a noun, a descriptive noun, describing a body part.

What would farmers use to produce vegetables that will grow in a specific climate?

natural selection

What would you call it when fish have been dying in lakes because of climate change?

A lie! There is no evidence that climate change was responsible for a specific fish kill.

What is climate map?

A climate map is a map use to identify climates throughout the world or a specific region. It would also be a good map for tourists.

What was the climate of Cherokee's?

The question is obscure in that it assumes Cherokees live in one specific area. This is not so. A similar question would be what is the climate of the Chinese. Climate is usually a reference to a geographical are not a race of people.

What type of map is most useful for describing the terrain of a very hilly lot?

A topographic map would be most useful for describing the terrain of a very hilly lot. Topographic maps show the elevation and relief of the land through contour lines, making them ideal for accurately representing the hills and valleys of a hilly lot.

What is a self analysis poem?

A self analysis poem is a poem you would write describing something about yourself. You would usually write about a specific theme regarding who you are or who you are becoming.

Why would I need climate controlled storage?

Climate controlled storage is useful for storing clothing, furniture, collectibles, and other things that need to be kept at a constant temperature and humidity. Almost all popular self-storage outfits are climate controlled.

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What measure of central tendency would be most useful in describing the gender of a sample?

Since gender is a qualitative variable, the mode is the only one of the main measures of central tendency.