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Q: What date did Georgia o keeffe paint squash blossom in?
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How many flowers did Georgia o keeffe paint?

Georgia O'Keeffe painted over 2,029 paintings according to her gallery

What medium did Georgia O'Keeffe use in painting from the Lake?

Georgia O' Keeffe used water paint in a swift movement painting the backround after the flower.

Why did Georgia o keeffe want to paint?

I think its because she got her mind off bad things. Also because she could paint what she can not say.

How did Georgia o keeffe inspire people?

Georgia O'Keeffe was an American hero because she was the first women to paint and she helped changed amercian history.

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cranberries were important because they used it for paint they would squash it and then paint

White spots on butternut squash leaves is it a disease?

prolly fungus or paint.

What country did Georgia O'Keeffe paint in?

In the US.

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What style does Georgia O'Keefe paint?

its awsome

What did Georgia O'Keeffe primarily paint?


Did GEORGIA o'keeffe Paint with oil?

yes she did