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he deliverd it in 1860

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Q: What date does president Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg address?
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When Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address?

President Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863.

In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln traveled to this state to deliver the Gettysburg Address?


How did Lincoln deliver his Gettysburg Address speech?

by plane

Did Abraham Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg address before or after the civil war?


Where did they write the Gettysburg address?

Lincoln wrote the speech himself on the train ride to Gettysburg where he would deliver it with little enthusiasm from the crowd.

What event did Abraham Lincoln deliver the Gettysberg Address?

Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. [The Soldiers' National Cemetery was exclusively for Union soldiers]

Where did President Lincoln deliver his famous speech during the US Civil war?

This question may refer to the Gettysburg Address, if so, it came about because of the large battle of Gettysburg. After this major battle was over, Lincoln felt compelled to visit the site of the battlefield to pay honor to the brave soldiers who fought and died there. Lincoln's famous speech, the Gettysburg Address was a short but magnificent homage to the soldiers in the Battle of Gettysburg.

When did Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg address on what day?

Lincoln delivered the speech on November 19, 1863

Does Abraham Lincoln deliver the speech clearly and convincingly about Gettysburg?


In what year did Abraham Lincoln and where did he deliver the Gettysburg address?

November 19, 1863, in Gettysburg Pennsylvania, where the battle of Gettysburg had been fought. 17 acres were subsequently dedicated to the cemetery and memorial to the men who had fought and died at Gettysburg, by the federal government, near the battleground.

When did Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address?

When a portion of the former battleground was dedicated as the Gettysburg National Cemetery. From his famous Gettysburg Address: "We are met on a great battlefield of that war (the Civil War). We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation (the USA) might live."

How long did it take for the Gettysburg Address to be written?

It was two minutes, at first he thought his speech was a failure, but It was actually good.:)