Assuming a start date of March 20, 2010, there are 54 days between January 25 and the start of spring.
Spring 2010, im guessing 17th March
Spring 2010 is March 20th.
The graduation for Spring 2009 is over, but the date for Spring 2010 is May 8, 2010.
There is no official date. Most people use 1 March or 21 March as the starting date.
It is scheduled to start in the Spring of 2010, but an exact release date hasn't been announced yet.
No exact date but in the spring 2010
April 1 2010 April fools
Spring 2010
theres no specific date but spring 2010
Wikipeadia has said they will be arriving in stores on the 25th of March 2010. i suggest you start saving your money now! It's expected to get a Spring 2010 release in the US; that may translate to an Australian release date of Autumn/Easter 2010.
The start date of Ramadan for the Hijra year 1431 is expected on the 11th of August 2010. However, the exact date depends on where you are.