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Q: What day and month did the military draft end?
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What was there about Vietnam which leads to such widespread disillusion?

The military draft, and no end to it (no end to the war & no end to the draft).

Did the military draft expire?

Yes, towards the end of the Viet War.

What year did the draft start and end?

The 3 Most Common Examples of the Military Draft in the history of the U.S.A are The Confederacy put in their draft in 1862 The Union instituted their draft in 1862 (mass riots ensued in New York and Boston) In Vietnam the military instituted a draft in early 1969

When will your health insurance end if you quit?

Health insurance generally is sold in month units. Very few plans will end a plan in mid-month. So, if you were to quit your job on the first day of the month, your insurance will last until the end of that month. If you quit on the last day of the month, it could end that day. It ends at the end of the month whenyou have your last day as an "active employee."

What year did Nixon end the draft?

The draft has expiration dates. It expired and Nixon renewed it until he could pull out the remaining US troops.

When was the 1980 NHL Entry Draft?

At the end of the 1979-1980 season in the month of June (1980)

Was the US military draft in effect in peacetime?

Yes, until the end of the Viet War, then it went away.

How do you invert the sentence The month of February gains that day?

That day is added to the end of the month of February.

Does a passport expire the first day of the month or at the end of that month?

Passports can expire on any day of the month. It depends on when it was originally got.

What would be the pay at the end of a month if you were paid 1 penny on the first day and then each day it double until the end of the month?

If it were 31 days, then 1073741824.

What song is played at the end of draft day the movie?

Redlight King - Born to Rise

What month and day did reconstruction end?

march 8 1877