

What day is it in earth time on Jupiter?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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If you want to reckon time on Jupiter according to earth time, then it is the same time on Jupiter as it is on earth. I would suggest UTC, universal time.

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Q: What day is it in earth time on Jupiter?
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Would time be different on Jupiter than the UK?

In terms of time of day, it would most of the time. Jupiter's day is much shorter than earth's. While a day on Earth is 24 hours, a day on Jupiter is just under 10 hours. It gets complicated, though, as Jupiter does not have a solid surface.

Length of time for one day on Jupiter?

It takes 10.5467 earth days to make 1 Jupiter day.

Which is longer a day on earth or a day on Jupiter?

A day on Earth because a day on Earth is 24 hours and a day on Jupiter is 10 hours

How long are its years and days on Jupiter?

Jupiter's year is 11.86 Earth years and it's day is 9 hours,55 minutes Earth time.

Does earth have a longer day than Jupiter?

Yes 1 day on Earth is 24 hours, 1 day on Jupiter is about 9.9 hours

What is longer a day on Earth or a day on Jupiter?

Earth, Jupiter's days only last about 10 hours.

How many earth hours is 1 day on Jupiter?

A day on Jupiter is less than 10 Earth hours

How many Jupiter days fit into one earth day?

There are about 2.4 Jupiter days in one Earth day.

How many days on Jupiter are equal to a day on earth?

A "day" on Jupiter (its period of rotation) is about 9.9 Earth hours.So there are approximately 2.4 Jupiter days in an Earth day.

How many earth days in Jupiter are 9 earth hours and 55 minutes?

That is 1 day on Jupiter but about 43% of an Earth day.

How many days are in a year on Jupiter?

A year on Jupiter is the amount of time for Jupiter to make one full revolution around the sun. The "year" on Jupiter takes 4331.57 Earth days (11.86 Earth years).Because Jupiter spins much faster than Earth, its day is as little as 9.84 Earth hours. This works out to 10,563 "Jupiter days" in a "Jupiter year."

Does Jupiter have longer days than earth?

Yes 1 day on Earth is 24 hours, 1 day on Jupiter is about 9.9 hours