

What day of the week was Katy Perry born on?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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Thursday, the 25th of October, 1984.

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Q: What day of the week was Katy Perry born on?
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What day was Katy Perry born on?

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Have Katy Perry and Russell Brand split up?

There are rumors going around that Katy perry and Russel brand have split up, but I think it will probably be on the news or something... I am a Katy perry fan and I know practically everything about her. I have not heard anything about this situation until my mum told me the other day. My opinion is that they might have had a falling out but they have not split up so basically, no they have not split up because they've only just got married. Their relationship started when Katy Perry sent Russell Brand a photo of her boobs! ANSWER: No, Katy Perry and Russell Brand have not split up, they only had a falling out like all couples do.

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I am not sure but I was out somewhere the other day and my friends said to me that Katy perry was born male!I was like was she?.............I am not sure because sometimes my friends LIE!No Katie Perry, is and always has been female.