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Easter Sunday is the traditional day for chocolate Easter Eggs.

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Q: What day should you eat chocolate eggs?
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What if your dog eats eggs Because my dog ate two and a half eggs on Easter and they were not crushed up?

eggs are fine for dogs to eat. but I'm presuming you mean natural bird eggs and not chocolate Easter eggs?? beause that's bad. dogs can not eat chocolate and if your dog ate 2 and a half chocolate eggs you should get him to a vet immediately

how much chocolate cake should i eat a day?

2 slices

How much of dark chocolate should you eat each day?

About two squares of chocolate that is 60 percent cocoa or more a day

Can chocolate kill dachshunds?

Chocolate is bad for any dog, and they should not have itat any time, though they would have to eat a great deal of it to kill them outright. The old tale that "chocolate causes worms in dogs" is false, however - that would only be possible if the worm eggs were actually in the chocolate. Chocolate does not have worm eggs in it - otherwise why would we eat it?

What do Greeks eat on Easter?

Instead of chocolate eggs they use real eggs!

Will my chickens be happy if you fed them chocolate?

No. In Chocolate it has eggs...chickens will smell the chocolate then leave it for the ants to eat it.

How often should I eat dark chocolate?

A piece of dark chocolate a day - a very small piece - keeps the doctoraway

Does Christians eat chocolate eggs for Easter?

Chocolate is not reserved for only one group of people, anyone can eat chocolate on Easter. To answer your question though, yes, Christians eat chocolate for Easter.

What do you eat on Valentine's Day?

chocolate kisses.... chocolate types..

Do Spanish eat chocolate eggs at Easter?

ldont think so

Why do chocolate Easter eggs have a cracked pattern on the outside?

To eat fish

What does Chantelle Anderson eat?

chocolate pudding, Eggs, Salad, Veges, Steak, Biscuits, Ice - Cream and CHOCOLATE !