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The original date of May 1, 1944 was pushed back to allow for a much large force over a much larger area of the coast. The date tentatively set was June 4, although that was jeopardized by a disastrous attack during a rehearsal along the English coast on April 28.

There was another 2-day delay for bad weather on June 4. This would have made the crossing difficult and the landings impossible. Timing also had to allow for the tides, so that the beaches could have the proper water depth for the landing craft. Fortunately, the forecast was for a slight clearing on June 5, which gave the landing some element of surprise, as the stormy weather was followed abruptly by clear weather. The day-long assault by planes, ships, and landing craft was successfully completed on June 6, 1944.

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June 4, 1944 and it was held back because the weather was to harsh for the 101 airborne to drop behind enemy lines because there c-47 could not fly well in bad weather

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Q: What day was D-Day originally scheduled and why it not occur on that day?
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