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Q: What day will it be in 3 days time if 2 days before yesterday it was Sunday?
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What are the 3 special days of the week?

For many people, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the special days of the week, because Saturday and Sunday are the weekend, when they have time off, and Friday is the day before the weekend, so in a sense, when they finish work (or school) on Friday, their weekend begins.

How many time is June 17 on Sunday?

Since the time that the seven days of the week were assigned to it, it has been a Sunday as close to 1/7 of the time as makes no difference.

How long is 2 days ago?

The day before yesterday, or 2 days ago, could have occurred as little as 24 hours previous, if the current time is exactly midnight. However, if the current time is 11:59 pm, then 2 days ago could be referring to 71 hours and 59 minutes prior.

What were water clocks used for?

Keeping time, in the days before mechanical clocks.

How many day's are in a week?

A week is a period of seven days, often used as a way to measure the passage of time. The days of the week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. All seven days together make up a week. The number of days in a week has been used in many different cultures and religions across the world for thousands of years. In the Jewish tradition, the Sabbath is observed on the seventh day of the week, while the Christian tradition uses Sunday as the first day of the week. The Islamic calendar also uses the same seven day system. The use of seven days in a week is related to the amount of time it takes for the moon to orbit the Earth. This is because the days of the week were originally named after the seven celestial bodies that can be seen in the night sky - the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The seven days of the week can also be used to structure the work week, with the weekend typically falling on Saturday and Sunday. This can help people plan their work and leisure activities, as well as give them a sense of routine. In conclusion, there are seven days in a week - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This system of seven days has been used by many cultures and religions across the world for thousands of years, as it is related to the amount of time it takes for the moon to orbit the Earth.

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What was yesterday?

The day before today. Two days before tomorrow. But if tomorrow never comes, will yesterday ever go. =/ At the time of this writing, yesterday was Sunday, January 1st, 2011.

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A total of 2 days of the week, but you are only staying one night out of those 2 days. For instance, you go out of town for the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and you arrive back home before nightfall on Sunday. That means you were out of town Saturday during day time and night time, and Sunday during the day only.

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Yes. Today is today. In one day's time it will be tomorrow. In two day's time it will be the day after tomorrow. On that day, our present 'tomorrow' will be that day's yesterday.

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No, the word "yesterday" is not a verb. It is an adverb that indicates a time in the past, specifically the day before today.

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Catholic AnswerOrdinary Time begins the Monday after the last Sunday of the Christmas Season (after Epiphany), and ends on Tuesday evening before Ash Wednesday (forty days before Easter). Then it starts again on Monday morning following Pentecost Sunday (fifty days after Easter) and runs until Mid-Afternoon Prayer on the Saturday before the First Sunday of Advent (which is the first of the four Sundays before Christmas).

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What are the 3 special days of the week?

For many people, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the special days of the week, because Saturday and Sunday are the weekend, when they have time off, and Friday is the day before the weekend, so in a sense, when they finish work (or school) on Friday, their weekend begins.

What year did daylight savings time start in Michigan?

Every place in the United States and Canada that observes daylight saving time does so from the 2nd Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of November.

When was the last time that Easter fell on the last Sunday of April?

The last time Easter fell on the last Sunday of April was in 2011. The last time before that was in 1943, and the last time before that was in 1886.

When was the last time that Christmas fell on Sunday?

2011 was the last time and before that it was 2005.