

What death Metal bands are satanic?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Morbid Angel

Possessed (Seven Churches Album)

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Q: What death Metal bands are satanic?
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Does anyone know any non-satanic blackened death metal bands?

Zyklon is Blackened Death Metal, and is Atheist

Is Metal music satanic?

People have different opinions on whether it is satanic or not, but I don't really think it is. Some of us just like to rock out and turn up the volume. It's a good way to let out your anger and depression. It also depends on the lyrics. Just because they curse and scream doesn't mean it's about Satan and all that stuff. If that's what the lyrics are like in a different song, then sure, it could be considered satanic. It isn't always metal. Think about the religion of the band that made the song. Some bands are Satanic, but it doesn't mean anything different from what non-Satanic bands sing about. There's several different types of Metal music, such as Thrash, NÜ Metal, Etc. And, keep in mind, they have also made Christian metal.

Is Possessed a satanic death Metal band?


Heaven Shall Burn Satanic or Not?

Heaven shall burn is not necessarily "satanic". some of their lyrics might depict certain antichrist like themes, not to mention that their name is pretty satanic sounding. its not like actual satanic bands like pretty much all of that under the Black Metal genre. And certain Death Metal bands like Deicide. No, Heaven Shall Burn is simply a badass melodic death metal band. Actually, no, Heaven Shall Burn is not a "satanic" band. They actually got their name from another bands album. I believe the album is Marduk's "Heaven Shall Burn... When We Are Gathered" Or something close to that. Heaven Shall Burn is actually very political with there music.

Is the band dragonforce satanic?

in my opinion, no Buttt it does do a good bit of cursing

Is napalm death satanic?

No. If you want to listen to a "Satanic" metal band, try Behemoth.

Is as you lay dying satanic?

No. They are very much a Christian metal band. Just because they use skulls as artwork and do some screaming in their songs doesn't make them Satanic. It's just a style. There are many other Christian metal bands who do the same thing. Look at Demon Hunter.

How many death metal bands are they?

There are a lot of death metal bands. Starting back in the early eighties.

Is possessed a satanic band?

The band Death litterally invented death metal

What are some Black Metal bands that don't have racist lyrics or attitudes?

As of 2013, there are not any black metal bands that don't include racist lyrics or attitudes. Members of black metal bands are known for being Nazis and often reference satanic lyrics.

What metal bands are satanic?

There are some bands I am not very sure of, but I do know that Slayer is, and Godsmack. Tiamat. Without a doubt, they are one of the most explicitly, obviously, purposefully Satanic bands around (and actually still have a brilliant sound). The songs "Cain", "Return of the son of nothing" and "Clovenhoof" make that quite clear. Darkthrone and their ilk could also be considered satanic, to an extent. Most of the old black metal bands were. Satyricon, Anorexia Nervosa (possibly), Akercocke, and plenty of other newer bands certainly try to lean that way. Slayer has some mildly "satanic" lyrics, but most of the band members were Catholic, IIRC. Godsmack is just modern rock/metal.

What are the most popular death metal bands from the 1980s?

Death Metal has roots in Sweden. The excitement for Death Metal spread and by the late 1980's, many bands were created. Some of the most notable bands include Slayer, Kreator, Celtic Frost, and Venom.