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The Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) is a very dangerous shark for humans, and is one of the rare sharks that live in both salt and freshwater.

However, the Bull Shark has not a very high tolerance for cold waters; it prefers warm waters ranging from 14ºC to more of 24ºC.

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What shark is in red water?

a bull shark

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Which shark is the only shark that can swim in salt and fresh water?

The bull shark.

Who would win in a fight a lemon shark or a bull shark in a fight?

A bull shark is similar to a bull in the way that it is very aggressive and is one of the most dangerous shark species. What makes this shark so dangerous is that it can tolerate fresh water and have been found as far north as rivers in New Jersey.

Is the bull shark the deadliest shark in the world?

Yes a bull shark is the deadliest shark in the world most attacks and deaths are done by bull sharks

Can you play with the remote controlled robotic bull shark on land as well as in the water?

Yes, the remote controlled robotic bull shark works on land, but not as well as in the water.

Can a bull shark live in arkansas lake?

No. It is fresh water, and the shark will quickly die.

Can a bull shark control the amount of salt it has in it?

Yes, the only shark that can survive in salt water and fresh water.

What shark can swim in fresh water and slat water?

A bull shark can adapt to any water tempura or type of water good luck

Why can't you find a shark in a river?

Actually you can find sharks in rivers. You can find a bull shark in rivers. In some rivers there is an area that mixes with salt and fresh water allowing a bull shark to live in that area of water.

How do bull shark eyes work?

The Bull shark can see like humans but eyesight is not the most important sense in Dusty water as their eyes are small

Which shark can stick his head out of the water to look around?

i sugest it is a hammer head or a bull shark.