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Q: What democratic principle of the Texas constitution reflects the will of the people?
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What democratic principle of Texas constitution reflects the will of the people?


What principle does the phrase We the People reflect?

the principle that reflects the people is individual rights!

What democratic principle of the constitution allows people to create change or alter government?

The answer is (popular sovereignty): People have a right to rule themselves. "article and Amendment"

With the words 'we the people' the US Constitution established its authority on the basis of which constitutional principle?

When the U.S. Constitution states that the people are the source of governmental power, it is reflecting the principle of consent of the governed. The U.S. Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788.

Who illustrates the principle of the constitution we the people?

thomas Jefferson

What principle is reflected in the quotation from the Japanese Constitution?

Popular Sovereignty: The government gets its authority from the people and reflects their will. What does it say in the U.S Constitution? it says The preamble says, "We the people of the United States of America do ordain and establish this Constitution..." which indicates that government power comes from the people. In the Japanese Constitution it begins by saying that the government's comes from the people and shall be used by them for their own benefit.

How does the nomination process reflect the principle of the separation of power?

The nomination process reflects the principle because the elect is elected by different groups of people. not just the people in charge.

What best describes what the Constitution is for our nation?

The democratic ideals of the American people.

How does the Preamble to the US Constitution suggest the political principle of the social compact?

The Constitution and government are established by the people.

What three words in the Constitution express the principle of popular sovereignty?

We the People

How does the nomination process reflect the principle of separation of powers?

The nomination process reflects the principle because the elect is elected by different groups of people. not just the people in charge.

What are the 3 words which are the foundation of your government and your democratic way of life in the Constitution?

we the people