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Q: What dense fibrous connective tissues encloses the joint?
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What are Dense fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone?

Dense fibrous connective tissues that connect muscle to bone are known as tendons.

Tendons are composed of what tissue?

There are many types of connective tissues. They all have a matrix of extracellular material and they all have cells that excrete the matrix. Tendons and ligaments are dense connective tissues, loose connective tissue tends to be found around organs. Blood and bone are also considered connective tissues.

Are tendons and ligaments composed mainly of dense irregular connective tissues?

Adipose tissue is designed to store fat, the answer you're looking for fibrous connective tissue.

What are the four basic connective tissues?

Connective tissue properLooseDenseFluid connective tissuesBloodLymphSupporting connective tissuesCartilageBoneFluid connective and Supporting connective tissues are Special connective tissues

Is collagen and connective tissue the same?

Technically they are the same. Fibrous connective tissue is basically any kind of connective tissue different than adipose and areolar. The fibrous connective tissue has more fibroblast and collagen fiber (a characteristic of dense connective tissue) but no much of elastic fibers (which is the histological difference with cartilage). Of course, we have to exclude blood, lymph and bones from the fibrous tissues because they are specialized connective tissue and have totally different characteristics than dense and loose connective tissue.

What are tissues that bind and support other tissues called?

"connective tissue": adipose, cartilage, blood, various dense & loose connective tissues

Has numerous collagen fibers that give strength to skin?

Abundant collagenous and elastic fibers are found in the dermis. They are responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin.

Does Dense fibrous connective tissue have space between its components?

not much

What tissue type functions in the formation of membranes and glands?

dense fibrous connective tissue

What is the predominant element in dense connective tissues?


What structure in the body has dense fibrous connective tissue?

Both tendons and ligaments are made of dense connective tissue. Skin contains irregular dense connective tissue.

Where is dense connective tissue found on a long bone?

The diaphysis is covered and protected by a fibrous connective tissue membrane, the periosteum.