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A nominative is a noun or a pronoun that functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as predicate nominative.


  • Bobby went to the mall. (the noun 'Bobby' is the subject of the sentence)
  • He wanted to buy some new shoes. (the pronoun 'he' is the subject of the sentence)

A predicate nominative is a noun or a pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or restates the subject.


  • Bobby is my best friend. (the noun 'friend' renames the subject noun 'Bobby')
  • The friend I met at the mall was he. (the pronoun 'he' restates the subject noun 'friend'; note that a pronoun functioning as a predicate nominative is always the subjective case)

An objective is a noun or a pronoun that functions as the object of a verb or a preposition.


  • I threw a ball. (the noun 'ball' is the direct object of the verb 'threw')
  • I threw it to Bobby. (the pronoun 'it' is the direct object of the verb 'threw; the noun 'Bobby' is the object of the preposition 'to')

A possessive noun is a noun that shows that something in the sentence belongs to that noun. A possessive noun is indicated by an apostrophe s ('s) or just an apostrophe (') added to the end of the noun.
example: Bobby's house is on this street.

There are two types of pronouns that show possession.

A possessive pronoun takes the place of a noun that belongs to someone or something.
example: The house with the green door is his.

A possessive adjective is placed before a noun to show that the noun belongs to someone or something.
example: His house has the green door.

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4d ago

Nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence, objective case for the object of a verb or preposition, and possessive case to show ownership or relationship. Examples include "he" in "He is reading a book" (nominative), "him" in "I gave him the book" (objective), and "his" in "That is his book" (possessive).

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What personal pronoun appear in both the nominative and the objective cases?

Two personal pronouns are used for the nominative and objective cases; they are you and it.

Is HER a predictive nominative?

The predicate nominative is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject. The objective personal pronoun 'her' can function as a predicate nominative. Example:The winner is her.The possessive adjective, a word that describes a noun. The possessive adjective 'her' can describe a noun that is a predicate nominative. Example:The winner is her horse.

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"They" can be a nominative case pronoun when it is used as the subject of a sentence (e.g., "They are going to the party"). It can also be an objective case pronoun when it is used as the object of a verb or preposition (e.g., "I gave the book to them").

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The nominative personal pronouns are: I, you, we, he, she, it, and they. The nominative relative/interrogative pronoun is: who All other pronouns are objective or can used for both functions.

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The pronoun HIM is the OBJECTIVE CASE, functioning as the object of the preposition 'to'. The corresponding nominative case is: he. The corresponding possessive case is: his.

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The pronouns that are the same for the subjective and objective are: you and it.

Are whom and who nominative pronouns?

The pronoun 'who' is a nominative pronoun which functions as a subject in a sentence.The pronoun 'whom' is an objective pronoun which functions as an object in a sentence.Examples:The person who called left this message. (nominative, subject of the relative clause)To whom do I give my completed application? (objective, object of the preposition 'to')

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The nouns 'Shelly and Joe' are nominative, subject of the sentence.The pronoun 'us' is objective, direct object of the verb 'to visit'.There are no possessive nouns or pronouns in the sentence.

Can it be an adverb?

No, the word "it" is a pronoun, a third person neutral-gender pronoun (nominative or objective).

Can you be a conjunction?

No, it cannot be a conjunction. You is the personal pronoun for the second person (nominative and objective cases).

What are the differences between nominative objective and possessive cases?

Nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence, objective case for the object of a verb, and possessive case to show ownership or association with someone or something. Nominative case is typically the subject of the sentence, objective case is typically the direct object, and possessive case is showing possession.

What is the difference between nominative case and objective case?

The nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence or the predicate nominative, while the objective case is used for direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of prepositions. In English, pronouns change form depending on whether they are in the nominative or objective case.