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Q: What describes what happens during a chemical reaction between two compounds?
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Uncorrect question ! A gas is a chemical compound. A chemical reaction is a process of chemical interaction between several substances (compounds).

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Salts are compounds obtained after the reaction between an acid and a base.

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when 2 or more compounds react chemically to form a new compound then it is called chemical reaction chemical reaction whereas the quantity and no. chemical elements presents in chemical compound is called the chemical composition

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The chemical symbol for gold is Au. (An equation in chemical symbols describes what is happening at a reaction between two or more compounds or elements)

What will happen if sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with sodium carbonate?

Any chemical reaction between these compounds.

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These compounds doesn't react.

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There are more particles in the area to react with it.

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Nuclear decay rates vary, but chemical reaction rates are constant

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Cleaning is a reaction between soaps (and other detergents) with dirt, followed by dissolution and releasing of the formed compounds.

What is the difference between a math equation and a chemical equation?

A math equation uses variables and numbers, while a chemical equation uses compounds and mole ratios.

What is the chemical equation which describes the reaction between copper and sulfuric acid?

Cu + 2 H2SO4 ----> 2H2O+ CuSO4 + SO2Rebalanced by Graphyx

What chemical equation describes the balanced reaction between lead and oxygen to form lead oxide?

A balanced equation has equal numbers of each type of atom on each side of the equation..The chemical equation describes the balanced reaction between lead and oxygen to form lead oxide is as follows .4Pb + 3O2 → 2Pb2O3.