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Q: What destroys B vitamins in the human body?
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What are the benefits of taking multivitamins?

In order to be healthy, the human body needs vitamins a,b,c,d,e,k,b12, and the whole spectrum of b complex vitamins. If your daily diet is not balanced you may not be getting all of these in their proper amounts, this is where a multivitamin bridges the gap in nutrition and keeps your body supplied with all the necessary vitamins.

Are B-complex vitamins a good energy sources for the body?

No, vitamins are not sources of energy.

How many vitamins are known for human beings?

There are 6 major: A, the B complex (B1-17) , C, D, E, and K. There are also other vitamin-like compounds that resemble vitamins in their activity but are normally synthesized in the human body in adequate amounts. What happened to vitamins F-J? They were found to be like other vitamins and re-assigned, mostly to the B group.

What nutrients are in yams?

Vitamins are essential nutrients your body needs in small amounts for various roles in the human body. Vitamins are divided into two groups: water-soluble (B-complex and C) and fat-soluble (A, D, E and K).

What vitamins are synthesized by bacteria in the human intestines?

The colonic microflora in the large intestine help to synthesize certain vitamins. The primary function of the large intestine is to salvage energy from carbohydrate not digested in the upper gut.

What vitamins are involved in energy production?

The B vitamins are essential for the body's production and use of energy.

What are not characteristics of vitamins?

Unlike water soluble vitamins such as b vitamins they are stored in your body and are not just expelled out by keeping these vitamins and minerals It alowes are body to keep them for later use

How is Oral health related to your overall health?

Oral health is linked to B vitamins in the body. A lack of B vitamins is linked to dementia, nerve conductivity and mood. Also the teeth are linked to the heart (dental health) and heart function. Alcohol consumption diminishes B vitamins from the body. Chronic alcoholics have many oral health issues because of the deficiency of B vitamins.

B vitamins calcuim and iron have this in common?

Vitamins B calcium and iron have a few things in common. The main thing they have in common is they are both good for the body.

What are some good vitamins for the heart?

I suggest you taking B vitamins. B vitamins can help your heart grow, and become stronger. I would suggest talking to your doctor on vitamins that would help you specifically, without disrupting anything in your body.

What is the chief function of b vitamins?

Primary functions of the vitamins are to make metabolic changes possible in the body. They are the backbone of a healthy life and body.

How does sugar affect your B Vitamins?

Refined sugar robs your body of it's B vitamin stores.