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It's called a CPAP machine. A portable device that helps the air flow...Has a little mask that goes over face.

I've also heard of similar IPAP and BI-Pap machines.

Truly the best cure typically is weight loss-but of course that isn't the cause of sleep apnea in all cases.

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A person with sleep apnea wears a CPAP machine. This is a portable machine that is worn over the face and helps the patient to breathe. You can also use specially designed pillows to help increase air flow to the lungs.

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Q: What device is worn by a person with sleep apnea-?
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What is the purpose of a sleep apnea mask?

A CPAP machine is used for patients who suffer from a condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when a person is sleeping and they stop breathing for up to a few minutes at a time. A CPAP machine when worn at night time will help keep airways open so the person does not stop breathing.

Does Vyvanse affect sleep apnea?

Effexor XR increases serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. Serotonin makes people sleepy, and norepinephrine wakes them up. Since everybody's brain is wired differently, Effexor might make one person sleepy while waking up another person. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which a person stops breathing over and over again during the night. Because of this, the person does not get a restful sleep. As a consequence, during the day he is very sleepy. Some people with sleep apnea are so sleepy during the day that they doze off while driving their cars. Thus, sleep apnea is a potentially fatal disease. Sleep apnea can be treated with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), a device which has a mask which is worn all night long, and keeps the person's throat open with air pressure so that the person does not stop breathing while sleeping. If a patient is taking Effexor, and it tends to make that particular patient sleepy, and the patient has sleep apnea, and the sleep apnea is not being treated, then the Effexor is potentially dangerous for that patient to take. It will make him even more sleepy during the day, and might even increase the frequency of his apneic episodes during the night. If Effexor makes the patient more alert, on the other hand, it might be beneficial. However, Effexor does not affect the mechanism that causes the person to stop breathing during the night. So it is not a treatment for sleep apnea.

How to Find the Most Comfortable Sleep Apnea Mask?

A sleep apnea mask can be a life-saving device for any individual suffering from sleep apnea. This is a disorder in which the individual stops breathing periodically during sleep due to blockage of the windpipe, usually from the person’s tongue, fleshy uvula at the back of the throat or tonsils. These periods of breathing difficulty can disturb an individual’s sleep pattern and ultimately cause fatigue. A sleep apnea mask, also called a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) device, is often medically recommended in order to help keep the throat passage open for the passage of more air. Because the device must be worn faithfully every night while sleeping and even during the day when taking a short nap, it’s essential to find a sleep apnea mask that feels as comfortable as possible. Research shows that many sleep apnea patients fail to use their mask at least half of the time due to some sort of discomfort while wearing it. Take your time selecting a mask that will fit your face. Decide if you want a nasal mask that fits solely over your nose, an oral mask that fits strictly over your mouth, a full face mask that fits over both the nose and the mouth, or a nasal insert that delivers air directly through the nasal passages. Find out what material the sleep apnea mask is made from to be sure you are not allergic. Find out if moisturizer creams can be used with the mask to minimize skin irritation. Choose a sleep apnea mask that has comfortable, padded straps to attach the mask to your face, as well as a comfortable chin strip for those who tend to sleep with their mouth open. The straps of the sleep apnea mask should secure the mask to the head snugly but not tightly. Some sleep apnea masks can be made to feel more comfortable by using nasal sprays to help keep the nasal passages from feeling dry and stuffy while the mask is being worn. Once a comfortable sleep apnea mask is selected, it’s important to build up tolerance for wearing the mask. Some patients get used to wearing a sleep apnea mask by increasing usage every night by at least one hour. It’s also important for sleep apnea mask users to seek out their doctor’s advice for any problems that arise with wearing the mask on a nightly basis.

How can one treat severe sleep apnea?

The most common solution to Sleep Apnea is CPAP therapy. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. This is a machine that produces pressurized air into a hose that is connected to a nasal mask, full face mask, or nasal pillows. A person will wear this mask while they sleep to open up the airway so they will breathe normally through the night. When using Cpap a person with Sleep Apnea can lead a normal, fulfilling life full of energy and without fatigue.

A clock refers to something which is worn on the person?

In general usage today, however, a "clock" refers to any device for measuring and displaying the time which unlike a watch is not worn on the person. False (PCH)

Why Use a Sleep Apnea Mask?

Sleep apnea masks are medical devices used to help a person breath better while they are sleeping. The medical name for the device is a CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure masks. Doctors will prescribe these medical devices to those who suffer from sleep apnea and are having difficulty breathing while sleeping. Most insurance companies will cover the cost of the rental or purchase of a machine.Sleep apnea can be a dangerous condition. Basically, a person stops breathing throughout the night. Each time this happens the person is awakened from the deep, restful sleep the human body needs to function correctly. The masks are worn over the mouth and nose to ensure the sleeping person is given a constant supply of clean oxygen. There are some masks designed to cover just the nose or the entire face. The masks gently force oxygen through the airways preventing the airways from collapsing or closing.Each person prescribed a CPAP should have the mask fitted to suit their face. The sleep apnea masks should fit snugly, but comfortably over a person’s mouth and nose. An elastic band will be placed around the person’s head to keep the mask in place throughout the night. It is important the mask is snug enough to keep the oxygen from seeping out, but not too tight to be uncomfortable for the wearer. Some masks have several bands to keep the device in place.The masks are attached to the CPAP. A small tube connects the mask to the machine. This delivers a constant stream of pressurized air to the mask. A mask that does not fit correctly will not maintain the pressure needed to keep the airways open. Leaking air can also irritate the eyes and be noisy.The newer CPAP machines today are very quiet. The masks are lined with a sound absorbing material that further cuts down the noise. Sleeping partners are rarely effected by the silent hum of the machine. In fact, the noise from the machine is much quieter than an average person’s snoring. The masks may take a few weeks to be accustomed to.

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