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Q: What devices do leaders use in speeches to manipulate people?
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Do speakers manipulate people in their speeches?

Only the very good ones! If you can change your listener's point of view, it helps your case a lot!

Discuss how Hitler used words to manipulate people's feelings?

Hitler famously used propaganda to manipulate people's feelings and arouse feelings of anti Semitism and nationalism. He emphasized national identity and German pride in his speeches to carry this out.

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FDR's informal radio speeches to the people

Why did Hitler use propaganda?

Hitler used Propaganda because it is one of the best ways of controlling gullible people. Most leaders use propaganda as an effective tool to manipulate their sycophants into the practice of blind loyalty. Many people of the world today continue to follow their political, religious, cultural and ethnic leaders with blind faith and adoration.

How do presidents get citizens to vote for them?

they manipulate people.

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she was slave who then gave Famous Speeches that people listened to

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Why does the Pardoner speak some Latin during his sermons the Canterbury Tales?

The Pardoner includes Latin in his sermons to show off his knowledge and intelligence to impress his audience and listeners. It also adds an air of authority and sophistication to his speeches, helping him to manipulate people into giving him money or buying his relics.

What can you manipulate?

People (Not recomended, you could get on someones bad side)

Why people are leaders?

Leaders tell peeps what to do

What do people remember most from public speeches?

Tone of voice