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There were no survivors.

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Q: What di d Gen Santa Anna do to the survivors of the Alamo?
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Who led the Mexican army during the Battle of the Alamo?

Colonel William Travis was in charge of the Texians. Sam Houston was leading the Texians but he was not at the Alamo. President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was the general in charge of the Mexicans on scene at the battle.

What caused the battle of the Alamo'?

The Battle of the Alamo was fought on March 6, 1836. It was a clash between rebellious Texans, who wanted to be independent from Mexico, and the Mexican army, which wanted to maintain its hold over Texas. The Mexicans wanted to make an example out of the Texans, to show them the dangers of rebellion.

Who were the Mexican leaders at the Battle of the Alamo?

James Bowie, David Crockett, and William Travis where the leaders of the Alamo

The decisive battle of the Texas Revolution was fought at the Alamo?

No, it was fought along the San Jacinto River, near its mouth, on April 21, 1836 and saw the decisive defeat of the Mexican Army and the capture of the Mexican President, Gen. Santa Anna, who agreed to recognize the Independence of Texas.

What happened after the Alamo?

General Sam Houston led his army east, avoiding a conflict with the main Mexican army. This gave him time to build up the army some. Eventually, the Mexican army and Gen. Houston's army met up near the present-day city of Houston. Houston and his men won an overwhelming victory at the Battle of San Jacinto, capturing the leader of the Mexican army, Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, who surrendered to Gen. Houston.

What actors and actresses appeared in Davy Crockett at the Fall of the Alamo - 1926?

The cast of Davy Crockett at the Fall of the Alamo - 1926 includes: Anne Berryman as Kate Kennedy Betty Brown as Myra Winkler Steve Clemente as Mose Bob Fleming as Col. Bowie Cullen Landis as Davy Crockett Ralph McCullough as Col. Bonham Kathryn McGuire as Alice Blake Jay Morley as Zachary Kennedy Fletcher Norton as Gen. Santa Anna Frank Rice as Lige Beardsley Joe Rickson as Col. Travis

Is santa Anna a good guy or bad guy?

A cruel, malicious person who was brutal and inhumane during time of war and failed to follow acceptable ethics. Unless they have changed the spelling of his name, it is still Santa Ana (one n). The vicious Santa Ana winds that whip out of California, through Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico at this time of year are named after Gen Santa Ana.

Was Jim Bowie related to Gen Santa Ana?

Yes, there is some evidence they were distant relatives through Bowie's wife.

Why is texas considered the land of change?

Because it's been through so many changes since it was formed. Several capitals, several presidents, several governments and constitutions. Sometimes its residents were called Texans, but sometimes they were called Texians. It's said that Texas is miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles. It has been through many battles, one of the most famous being the battle of the Alamo, where Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett were killed. The Mexicans at the Alamo were led by Gen Santa Ana (Ana with one n)

Who was in the war for Texas independence?

Mexicans dissatisfied by the dictatorial policies of Gen. Santa Ana and settlers from the US that wanted more land and rights than offered by the Mexican government. These called for volunteers that came mostly from the southern states.

What Pokemon games have kyogre?

Kyogre is in Pokemon games emerald gen.3, ruby gen.3, sapphire gen.3, firered gen.3, leafgreen gen.3, diamond and pearl gen.4, platinum gen.4, heartgold gen.4, soulsilver gen.4, black gen.5, wight gen.5, black 2 gen.5, wight 2 gen.5,

What happen of the battle of Buena vista?

On the morning of February 23, Gen. Pedro de Ampudia attacked the U.S. left flank guarded by the 2nd Indiana from Joseph Lane's Indiana Brigade. The volunteers were supported by a battery of artillery but were steadily driven back along with a second line of Illinois volunteers under future governor Col. William Henry Bissell. Wool sent a messenger to Gen. Lane to hold the line at all costs. The Illinois volunteers managed to conduct a fighting withdrawal under the pressure of the Mexican attack. Santa Anna renewed an attack on the main U.S. position led by Gen. Francisco Pérez with artillery support. An artillery battery under Braxton Bragg unlimbered with orders to maintain his position at all costs. Taylor rode over to Cap. Bragg, and after a brief conversation in which Bragg replied he was using single shot, Taylor ordered "double-shot your guns and give them hell, Bragg". Later this order, although misquoted as "give them a little more grape, Captain Bragg", would be used as a campaign slogan which carried Taylor into the White House. Pérez's attack was repulsed as heavy rain fell over the field. During the night Santa Anna declared victory and withdrew to Agua Nueva, after receiving a letter from Mexico City declaring that Santa Anna was needed to quell a political coup.