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A.the return to the plantation system B.better education

The answer is : A. the return to the plantation system

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Q: What did African Americans think would help them make better lives for themselves?
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the African Americans were able to go where the whites could go.schoolsstoreswork in better jobs

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Slavers. In the 1880's the African American Americans worked as slaves.

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it is because yeah

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How is Martin Luther King Jr remembered?

Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered as a great civil rights leader, especially for African-Americans, and for his "I Have a Dream" speech.More:He changed our lives and let African-Americans get better educations and more freedoms.

How did the NAACP attempt to better the lives of African Americans?

The NAACP attempted to create fair job opportunities and opportunities regarding education (etc, etc) for African-Americans. NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples, if that is of any help.

In what ways were the lives of free blacks in the north diff rent from and similar to the lives of free blacks in the south?

There were no free African Americans in the south. In the north they were free but still discrimination kept them from expressing themselves and having rights.

Who painted portraits of the daily lives of African Americans?

Jacob Lawrence

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There may have been a few African Americans who were better off after the Reconstruction but the majority of them were worse off. While they were technically "free", they were treated as second class citizens. Most of them were released from their lives as slaves and found themselves without shelter and food.

What would happen if the declaration included freedom for African Americans?

than african americans would have normal lives back than during slavery.