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He thought that states should have representation by size and population.

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Q: What did Alexander Hamilton think states should be represented in the new government?
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Why did strict constructionists argue that the government should not create a national bank?

Alexander Hamilton opposed the idea

Does Hamilton believe the government's power should be strong or weak?

Alexander Hamilton believed the central government should have strong powers and the individual states should only have power over local matters.

What did Alexander Hamilton believe about people?

He was a federalist and believed in a strong central government. He was the Secretary of Treasury in George Washington's cabinet and saved the contry from financial crisis. Hamilton created the National Bank which was disputed but was a major step in our government's growth.

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Alexander Hamilton supported the federalist party. They belived they should have a strong central government that should revolve around business and industry.

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Alexander Hamilton thought that the new federal government should accept the debts of the Confederation Congress at their full value. :)

What was Alexander Hamilton's Best form of Government?

Hamilton preferred Federalism, he thought the federal government should have the most power. Hamilton's rival Jefferson, hated federalism and as an anti federalist was a strong supporter of states' rights.

What was Alexander Hamilton's views on how the Constitution should be interpreted?

Hamilton believed that the federal government could do as they needed to govern the country. He believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution.

What decisions was Alexander Hamilton in charge of?

Alexander Hamilton was the Secretary of the Treasury under President Washington. It was a powerful position and it was the largest department in the new US government. In this capacity, Hamilton laid the foundations for a powerful national economy. Hamilton made decisions concerning funding the debts incurred under the Articles of Federation and preserving the US currency among other decisions such as how the government should pay the holders of government bonds.

What did Alexander Hamilton's plan for financial review focus on?

Alexander Hamilton's plan for financial review focused on financial stability necessary to fight another war should one arise with the foreign threats of Britain and Spain. Hamilton suggested funding the foreign debt by selling government bonds, and further proposed that state debts be assumed by the national government.

Is there a timeline on Alexander Hamilton?, search Alexander Hamilton, click on the first result. This should be the site that corresponds to a documentary on Hamilton's life. You will find a very lengthy but excellent timeline there.