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Oparin believed that there was one molecule lightning strike and then the gases developed

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Q: What did Alexander Oparin say about the earth's early atmosphere?
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Oparin's hypothesis suggested that early Earth's atmosphere lacked what?

Oparin's hypothesis suggested that early Earth's atmosphere lacked free oxygen. Instead, it consisted of gases like methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapor.

Oparin's hypothesis suggested that early Earth's atmosphere lacked?


What gases did Oparin think were in the earth's early atmosphere?

( h2; ch4; nh3)

Was there oxygen in the early earths atmosphere?

It is believed that the early Earth's atmosphere did not contain significant amounts of oxygen. Oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere around 2.4 billion years ago due to the emergence of photosynthetic organisms.

What gases were in Oparin's hypothesis?

Oparin's hypothesis proposed that the early Earth's atmosphere consisted of gases such as ammonia, methane, water vapor, and hydrogen, with little to no oxygen. These gases were thought to have been involved in the synthesis of organic molecules that led to the origin of life.

What gas was lacking from earths early atmosphere in the early precambrian?


What is true of Oparin and Haldane's theory?

One thing that is true in the Oparin - Haldane theory is that the early earth used to consist of an atmosphere which carried ammonia and water vapor. This is true because that is a condition that allows biological polymers to thrive.

What gas was a thought by Oparin to be part of the early Earth's atmosphere?

He thought that the early Earth's atmosphere contained ammonia, NH3; hydrogen gas, H2; water vapor, H2o; and compounds made of hydrogen and carbon, such as, CH4.

What gas was not part of early earths atmosphere?


What gas was not a part of earths early atmosphere?


What molecule was not present in early Earths reducing atmosphere?

Oxygen (O2) was not present in early Earth's reducing atmosphere. It only became abundant in the atmosphere due to the photosynthetic activity of cyanobacteria and other early organisms.

Earths early atmosphere was changed dramatically by the evolution of?

photosynthetic organisms, like cyanobacteria, which produced oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. This led to the increase in atmospheric oxygen levels, changing the composition of Earth's early atmosphere.