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He thought of them as partners in the universal empire he was establishing. Some he appointed as provincial governors. He married all his senior leaders to Persian women to help create a uniform race.

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Q: What did Alexander the Great think of the conquered Persians?
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What did Alexander think of the conquered Persians?

He took over the task from his father after king Philip was assassinated on the eve of his departure for Asia.

What was the name of the conqueror who prayed to all his conquered civilization's gods out of respect for them?

Alexander the Great, I think.

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yes, Alexander the great pretended to be a god no certain god, but just a god so that the people he conquered would think he had the same religious beliefs at they did.

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It was to make the Persians respect him that he adopted their customs and dress; he wanted them to think he was no different to the rulers they'd had in the past.

Why do you think the Persians allowed the people they conquered to govern themselves?

in governing conquered people the persian were much more humane than the assyrians.

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my god how does this have anything to do with Germany or WWII. if you think it belongs in that category you do not have the right to know the answer to this question.

Who was the military master mind in Alexander the great's life?

Other then Alexander The Great himself, one would think it most have been Darius III "The King of Kings", he was the last ruler of The Achaemenid Empire of Persia from 336 BC to 330 BC before it was conquered by Alexander The Great.

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I think Egyptian culture began a decline when they were conquered (for lack of better word) by Alexander the Great.

Why do you think Alexander adopted Persian customs included Persians in his army?

It was to make the Persians respect him that he adopted their customs and dress; he wanted them to think he was no different to the rulers they'd had in the past.

Why do you think the Persians allowed the people they conquered o govern themselves?

That was the easy way, and prevented local uprisings.

Who did Alexander the great think he was?

Im pretty sure he thought he was Alexander the great

Was Alexander the great well respected?

People of Alexander The Great didn't like him. In fact, they hated him. Even though he won every battle. This was because of Alexander's father. He mistreated his people. He was really unfair with them. Alexander The Great died, the people realized that Alexander really did love his people and wanted to help them.