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Pangaea. It means "all the land" in Greek.

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Q: What did Alfred wegener name the gigantic super continent that existed 200 million yaers ago?
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Which person was the first to publish and publicise his view that a single continent existed about 300 million years ago?

I'm not sure. Alfred Wegener was the first person.

According to the continental drift theory a single huge continent once existed that was called . Pangaea Panthalassa Wegener Eurasia?


What did Alfred wegener call the super-continent?

Alfred Wegener called the super-continent Pangaea, which he proposed existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras before breaking apart into what we now recognize as the continents.

How did Wegener describe the world that existed 200 million years ago?

Wegener described the world from 200 million years ago that the continents and ALL of the continents were all connected together. This place was called Pangea. It took millions of years to pass to get the continents where they are now.

What is the name of the supercontinent Wegener believe once existed?

The supercontinent that Wegener believed once existed is called Pangaea.

What did wegener call the first super continent?


What theory related to Pangaea is Alfred Wegener known for?

The Continental Drift Theory in 1912 Pangaea is believed to be a giant super-continent that existed before the continents drifted apart from each other.

Who first proposed the theory of a super continent?

Alfred Wegener

Why did Alfred Wegener name his super continent Pangaea?

He likes it

What was the name of the continent that Wegener proposed?

Pangea, you tool

What did wegener hypothesize happen to the continents?

they drifted together to form a single continent

Who is Albert wegener?

Albert Wegener is a scientist who discovered that the continents move, to form a super continent pangea. His findings weren't proven until after his death.