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Q: What did Americans think about slavery after The Missouri Compromise?
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What earlier treaty involving slavery did the Kansas-Nebraska Act nullify?

The Missouri Compromise I think

Why doesn't Timothy Claimright say Maine shouldn't be involved in the Missouri Compromise?

Timothy Claimright did not want Maine to be associated with slavery. He felt that because of the Missouri compromise people would associated slavery with Maine, and they would not think of Maine as a strong free state. He also was strongly against slavery; he believed that freedom was a God givin right and did not wish to see the institution of slavery move westward.

When Missouri Compromise happened?

Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

What effect did the Dred Scott Supreme Court case have on Dred Scott's freddom and on the Missouri Compromise?

Scott didn't win his freedom and the decision reinforced the idea that slaves were property. The Missouri Compromise was a blow to the southern states to gain more slave states. I don't think the Scott decision added anything to the compromise, but it did entrench slavery in the states where it existed.

What compromises did the government make leading up to the US Civil War?

There were a number of compromises made in the US leading up to the US Civil War. The list is as follows:1. In order to have the new US Constitution ratified, slavery was not slated for abolishment, but the importation of slaves would be illegal after 10 years. ( this was a hollow deal as slaves continued to be imported under cover) 2. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 to keep the balance of slave and free states equal; 3. The Missouri Compromise of 1850, this also to keep the slave-free state balance, but added the Fugitive Slave Law; and 4. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowing citizens to vote on the slave issue when a territory had yet to apply for statehood.

What were the benefits of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

It kept the peace for thirty years - so it benefited both sides. Ironically both sides were dissatisfied with it, but at least they were equally dissatisfied, and it managed to keep the balance.

Who was the known as the great comprimiser?

Henry Clay, The Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1820

Why do you think Northerners were still not satisfied with the Compromise of 1850?

because slavery was still not bannedbecause slavery was still not banned

Do you thnk the compromise of 1850 was a good solution explain your answer?

I think the compromise of 1850 was a good solution because slavery is just wrong.

Could the violence in kansas have been prevented if codgress had not abandond the Missouri compromise?

It's a matter of opinion, but I think not. Unlike other states, residents of Kansas were fairly evenly divided on the issue of slavery and determined to fight it out.

What issue did the Missouri Compromise temporarily resolve?

The western expansion of slavery and the balance between slave and free states in the Senate

Was Missouri Compromise successful?

The Missouri Compromise was an effort by Congress to allow the state to enter as a slave state. At the time there was 22 states and they were evenly divided between slave and free. Admission of Missouri as a slave state would upset the balance of power and set a movement towards the expansion of slavery. This debate ran from December 1819 to March 1820 until the compromise was worked out. The compromise stated that Missouri would come in slave while Maine would come in free and except for Missouri slavery would be excluded from the Louisiana Purchase lands north of latitude 36 30'. This plan was criticized by many southerners because it would establish a principle that Congress could make laws regarding slavery and the north felt it gave into slavery. Yet, this help hold the union together for more than 30 years until it was repealed by the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854. Three years later in the Dred Scot case the Supreme Court found the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional on the grounds that Congress was prohibited by the Fifth Amendment from depriving individuals of private property without due process of law. I think it worked for a time and conditions made it so it couldn't work.