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Q: What did Anglo Saxons houses walls made off?
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What did the Anglo-Saxons made?

The Anglo Saxons made clothing and textile production. Most of their clothes were made from wool. The women did the spinning and weaving to make clothes.

Who made Anglo Saxons shields?

They did. They were made of wood and leather.

3 tribes of people made up the Anglo-Saxons?

Angles, Saxons, Jutes

Why were the Anglo Saxons barbarians?

no this was a mtyh made up by normans

How did Anglo Saxons effect English?

they made Pancakes!! :) yummy

Why did Anglo Saxons use Roman numerals?

The Anglo Saxons came to Britain after the Romans and they probably simply made use of a number system which was already in place, just as Latin was also used in writing.

What did the Saxons make their homes out of?

They were made out of thach for the roof and wood for the walls.

What were greek houses made of?

Greek houses were made of clay tiles. The walls were made of mud bricks.

What was Harold Godwinsons most 2 important achievements?

he made two big brown poo's and made the anglo-saxons eat poo

What are the maasai houses made out of?

The walls are made from sticks and the roof is made from mud.

What was the line of defence called made by the Saxons?

The line of defence was called the shield wall. This is were the anglo-saxons locked all the shields together to create a wall were the opposing army would have to try and break through.

The Anglo-Saxons were composed of what three tribes?

The members of three tribes, the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, made up the majority of those who invaded and conquered Roman Britain and lager became know as the Anglo-Saxons. However, smaller numbers of people from other Germanic tribes also participated in this migration and conquest. And some members of all these tribes remained in Continental Europe and followed other paths.