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Q: What did Antony say to the people at the funeral in his now famous speech?
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What did Antony say to the people at the funeral?

Nothing. At his funeral Antony was dead, therefore he could not speak. However if you are asking about the funeral oration that Antony made at Caesar's funeral, there is no set translation of his speech only the versions that the ancient writers give us. They all say that Antony inflamed the crowd with his words, which caused the riot and fire and ciaos. Shakespeare gives fictionalize version of Antony's speech in the play Julius Caesar.

What does Antony ask of the conspirators?

To deliver Caesar's eulogy (funeral speech)

Who turned the crowd against the conspirators at Caesar's funeral?

Marc Antony, a Caesar loyalist, turned the crowd against the conspirators at Caesar's funeral by delivering his famous "Friends, Roman, countrymen" speech.

Who was brutally killed as a result of mistaken identity after Antony's funeral speech?


Who gave a speech at Caesar's funeral?

if i could i wouldn't be asking

In Julius Caesar Antony's funeral speech is NOT considered a soliloquy because?

both characters and audience hear the speech

Who said ambition should be made of sterner stuff?

Antony when he is giving his speech at the funeral

Antony's true purpose in delivering the funeral speech is to?

to cause unrest over Caesar's assassination.

What is the the name of Pericles' famous speech?

Funeral Oration.

Why is Cassius afraid to grant Antony's wishes?

Cassius believes (correctly) that Antony is a very shrewd politician and will be able to use his funeral speech to turn the people against Brutus and Cassius. He says "Know you how much the people may be moved by that which he will utter?"

What type of speech does Antigone give at Caesar's funeral?

it was Antony.. antigone and Caesar are two different time periods

What favor does Antony ask of the conspirators?

To deliver Caesar's eulogy (funeral speech)