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aristotole said that the deaf people should be uneducated because the need to hear to learn

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Q: What did Aristotle say about deaf people?
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What did Aristotle mean when he said Those who are born deaf all become sensless and incapable of reason.?

Like many people through the ages, both before and after Aristotle's time, Aristotle believed that deaf people were imperfect and were, to that extent, not fully human. He argued that without hearing, people could not learn and that deaf people were doomed, therefore, to a life without either intelligent thought or power of reason.

Is it correct to say these dogs have gone to the homes of deaf people?

Absolutely. You can say it that way, or you can say "These dogs have gone to deaf people's homes." Either is fine.

Why do deaf people sign if they can speak vocally?

Being able to speak vocally works OK when a deaf person is speaking TO a hearing person but when both people are deaf neither can hear what the other person is saying. Signing therefore enables communication between deaf people and would be a better way for a hearing person to say something TO a deaf person. If you can hear why don't you learn how to sign!

Is the word deaf supposed to be capitalized?

I personally have a hearing impairment and I would prefer to be called hearing impaired. But I guess you could use the word deaf. As for capitalization it depends who you ask. Those in the deaf culture prefer to say Deaf and call their culture Deaf culture. After all, if you say someone is French or British it is capitalized. You are referring to their identity. If you just want to say someone is deaf, as in hearing loss, and without connoting a culture of signing in their own language, you could say "hard of hearing", "hearing loss", "hearing impaired", "deaf", or "oral deaf" meaning a deaf person who hears and speaks to some extent and is grounded in hearing society rather than Deaf culture.Deaf, capitalized is politicized and I personally believe it is more fit for editorials or personal views rather than for news reporting.Do you call black people "Black People"?Do you call white people "White People"?Do you call tan people "Tan People"?For more on this topic see this article:

How do you say that you are deaf in sign language?

I am deaf.You are deaf.

What can deaf people do?

To Sign Language with deaf people

How deaf people communicate with non-deaf people?

Either through sign language, writing back and forth, an interpreter, or gesturing. You can look on the internet for sign language interpreting agencies near you. They are business who will get you in contact with a professional who can communicate in sign language and whatever spoken language you use.Another OpinionIf you are asking the degree of communication skill, then I would have to say that Deaf people are far more skilled at understanding non-deaf, or hearing people, than visa versa. After all, Deaf people live in a world where they have to struggle to communicate, whereas, hearing people have less of a need to do that with Deaf people. So, in conclusion: Deaf people communicate very well with non-deaf people. And, non-deaf people have a hard time communicating with Deaf people.

How do deaf people handle relationships?

they did to go out with deaf people

Can deaf people get married?

Yes, deaf people can get married.

Are deaf people blind?

No,deaf people are not blind.There are people that are both though.

Why was sign language created?

Sign language was created in order to provide a way for people with hearing impairments to communicate effectively. It uses hand movements, facial expressions, and body language to convey meaning and is a visual language that is distinct from spoken languages. It allows deaf individuals to communicate with each other and with those who are able to understand sign language.

When did Aristotle say you are what you repeatedly do excellence?

He did not say it.