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He learned that lightning was the same as electricity.

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Q: What did Benjamin Franklin learn from flying his kite in a storm?
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Related questions

When did Benjamin Franklin descover electricity?

Benjamin Franklin discovered the effects of electricity when he flew his kite during a storm in 1752. While flying his kite lightning struck the kite.

Why was Benjamin Franklin lucky to survive?

Because he was flying the kite for his experiment in the storm. When the kite got electrified he could have to.

Who flew a kite in a thunder storm?

Benjamin Franklin

Who discovered electricity flying a kite in a storm?

Benjamin Franklin. Although it's unlikely that he used a kite and a key as normally described as this would have instantly killed him.

When was Benjamin Franklin electrocuted?

when he flew a kite in a lightning storm.

Famously flew a key on a kite in a lightning storm?

Benjamin Franklin

What science discoveries were made using a kite?

the only one i know of is Benjamin Franklin going out side and flying his special kite during a thunder storm. he discovered that lightning had electricity

Was it true that Benjamin Franklin flew the kite in the thunder storm?

It was actually the son of Benjamin Franklin... According to the 10 things you don't know about: Benjamin Franklin on History Channel

Who found that lightning is actually electricity?

Benjamin Franklin discovered this by flying a kite in an electrical storm. The wet string conducted electricity from the lightning down to Franklin. Do not try this at home kids because this is not a safe experiment to try. Dumb bitches.

How did Benjamin Franklin discoverd electricity?

how Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity Benjamin Franklin used a kite and went out into a storm with a kite and let it fly like any other kite and soon lightning hit it and lightning is a source of electricity

Is there a picture of Benjamin Franklin?

yes there is its called a picture book of Benjamin Franklin

How did Benjamin Franklin prove electricity?

Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning is electricity by flying a kite in a storm with a key attached to the kite.