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Q: What did Charles Darwin was best known in the 19th century?
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Who was the most important person the 19th century?

Very difficult to answer it was Charles Darwin Charles Darwin is definatley the one i agree its Darwin

Was Darwin poor?

If you mean Charles Darwin, then no; most European scientists in the 19th century had to have an independent income and Charles Darwin's family was wealthy; his uncle was Josiah Wedgwood (he married Wedgwood's daughter) and Darwin lived in a large house in Kent.

Who traveled to the Galapagos Islands on the Beagle?

Charles Darwin is the most notable person who traveled on the Beagle in the 19th century.

Why was it so important for Charles Darwin to earn his father and teacher respect?

question charles darwin's theory of evolution rocked the 19th century religious and intellectual world. Why was his theory so revolutionary?

What are other sources aside from Charles Darwin that readers of the 1800's would have known of evolution?

Charles Darwin's own grandfather Erasmus wrote about evolutionary processes in a poem. Lamarck had his own theory of the mechanism of evolution in the early 19th century. Robert Chambers wrote a anonymous pamphlet called the Vestiges before Darwin published his theory.

What did chrles Darwin's dad want him to do?

To become a physician just like his father and grandfather had. Charles Darwin could not abide the operations preformed without anesthetic in the early 19th century.

Why do you not find any writings of evolutionary theory before the 19th century?

Charles Darwin first published the theory in The Origin of Species in 1859

Is Charles Darwin a engineer?

No. He "was" an English naturalist. He died April 19th, 1882.

Who was American revivalist of the late 19th century?

Charles Finney was the American revivalist of the late 19th century.

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What is evelution who is famously associated with it?

Evolution is the process by which living things very slowly adapt to their enviroment and change over time. Charles Darwin 19th century scientist is associated withevolution.Where living things very slowly adapt to their enviroment and change over time. Charles Darwin is associated with evolution.