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Well Golly. Christians today call it Israel. Christians before 1948 called it Palestine. Christians before the first world war called it the Ottoman Empire. Christians who lived between 1187 and 1291 called it the Ayyubid dynasty. Before Saladin defeated the crusaders in 1187, Christians called it the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Before 1099 it was called part of the Fatimid Caliphate. Before 969 it was part of the Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates. Before 638 it was the part of the Byzantine Empire called the Province of Palestina, City of Aelia and Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Before Constantine it was the Province of Syria Palestina. Before Hadrian (AD 132) it was the Roman Province of Iudaea. Before Pompey conquered it in 63 BC, it was the Hasmonean kingdom. Before the Maccabeean revolt (110 BC) it was part of the kingdom of the Seleucids, successors of Alexander the great. That takes us back to 332 BC and there probably weren't any Christians before that. Christianity seems to have begun during the Hasmonean reign of Alexander Jannaeus between 103 and 76 BC.

In other words, Christians at any time throughout history called it exactly what anybody else called it.

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Q: What did Christians call the Holy Land?
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