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Cooking their food, heating their caves, keeping wild animals away.

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Q: What did Cro-Magnons use fire for?
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The major art form of cromagnons was?

Cave painting

What did cromagnons hunt?

Large animals, like bison, horse, mammoth, etc.

Cromagnons were classified as and also known for their spectacular what?

Cave paintings and having body ornamentation

Where did most cromagnons live?

The Cro-Magnons lived in Europe as the Ice Age was finally going away.

What to use in case of fire?

In case of fire, use a fire extinguisher.

Did CroMagnon have art?

cromagnons had cave art but did not draw any kind of animals they drew the animals in the environment they live in or also by the biomes they lived in

What was the major art form of CroMagnons?

They painted on cave walls, and carved small stone figurines known as Venuses.

Who were the five groups of early humans?

The five groups of early humans are Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthals, and Homo sapiens. These groups evolved over time and shared common ancestors, with Homo sapiens being the only surviving group.

When do you use a fire blanket?

when there is a fire.

What would you use to put out a tv fire?

Unplug the tv and use a fire blanket or fire extinguisher.

When to use a fire extinguisher?

You should use a fire extinguisher when a fire is small and contained, such as a small grease fire on a stove or a trash bin fire. It is important to remember that you should only attempt to use a fire extinguisher if you have been trained in its proper use and if it is safe to do so. If the fire is large or spreading quickly, evacuate and call emergency services.

How do you use fire arow?

You use fire arrows to ignite you enemy's buildings.