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Accordting to Darwin every species on earth is struggle and compete for survival or existance. The competion can be between the members of different species or b/w the membere of same species or it can be with enviornmental conditions. The most important is b/w the members of same species as they compete for same requirements of food and shelter.

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Q: What did Darwin view life as a competitive struggle for?
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How does Darwin's theory of evolution challenge the biblical view of creation?

Darwin's theory states that we evolved from microbes and only the fittest survived. The biblical view of creation states that everything on earth was created by God exactly as it is.The Biblical view does not actually disagree with Darwin's theory, contrary to certain sectarian religious teachings. On the contrary, the legitimate Biblical view is that the creation accounts were allegorical in nature. Only one particular narrow, literalistic interpretation at definite odds with reality insists all creatures were fashioned within one six day window.

Is the Darwin theory of evolution true?

We don't use the word "true" to describe scientific theories. They either fit the facts or they do not. Darwin's theory of evolution fits most of the observed facts, and does so beautifully. A theory is useful if it makes successful predictions. Darwin's theory has absolutely zero to do with belief in God. The Catholic Church does not hate God, yet endorses the view that evolution has occurred in much the way Charles Darwin described. Is there a scientific theory that better explains the evidence from paleontology, geology, anatomy, and molecular biology? No. Therefore, we provisionally accept the theory of evolution as an accurate depiction of the origin of species. Again, this has nothing to do with whether or not God exists and/or loves you. Evolution is wrong. God is true.

Who made the theory of evolution?

The popular view is that Charles Darwin originated the Theory of Evolution. In fact, he was the first to explain in detail just how evolution of species occurs.One of the early pioneers of evolutionary theory is Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, who suspected as early as 1795 that what we call species are various degenerations of the same type. There were probably other pioneers even before 1795, and certainly there were several working on the concept well before Darwin published his The Origin of Species.

What is the contribution of Charles Darwin in botany?

Darwin was born February 12, 1809, into a wealthy English family Darwin is generally recognized as the single greatest thinker in the history of biology, whose contributions provided the basis for understanding the immense diversity that characterizes the natural world. Darwin grew up amidst wealth, comfort and country sports. An unimpressive student, He began to speculate on the means by which species could arise by means still active around us. Darwin's idiosyncratic eclecticism led him to investigate some unconventional bodies of evidence. He made countless inquiries of animal breeders, both farmers and hobbyists like pigeon fanciers, trying to understand how they made distinct breeds of animals. Gradually Darwin decided that organisms were infinitely variable, and that the supposed limits or barriers to species were a myth. In modern terms we would say that Darwin came to accept the then very controversial and unorthodox view that species evolve. Darwin then sought a mechanism for evolution. .

What problems did Darwin's theory of Evolution cause?

The problems are many, but let's just leave it at the basic science, and not get into a larger worldview set of issues. The only reason to have that discussion here would be because subscribing to Darwin's theory would keep you from denying the existence of a creator, and therefore your world view would be different, but that would then be suggesting other world views to counter this one.As we clearly see from the example above, the problems are NOT scientific, but cultural. Social turmoil was created as Darwin's theory overturned the popularly accepted religious account of origins. This same sort of upheaval occurred three hundred years earlier when Galileo overturned the religiously based geocentric model of our solar system, in essence "dethroning" man from his exalted place in the heavenly scheme of things.

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In Darwin view what condition lead to a struggle for existence among individuals in a population?

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Which best describes the prevailing view about the age of earth and evolution before Darwin's voyage on the HMS beagle?

Before Darwin's voyage on the HMS Beagle, the prevailing view was that the Earth was very young (a few thousand years old) and that species were individually created and unchanging over time. This view was largely influenced by religious beliefs at the time, such as the biblical account of creation.

Did Charles Darwin say that blacks were inferior to whites?

Darwin claimed blacks and Aborigines, would be eliminated and disappear in the struggle for survival because they were inferior. in his book The Descent of Man. While this view was prevalent among all Englishmen of his day, his stance gave credence to the Nazi movement to claim that the Aryan race was superior.

What is the Origin of Species full book title?

"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."- Charles Darwin

Was Darwin a member of the masonic order?

no, Darwin was a catholic who got excommunicated for his evolutionary beliefs which was contrary to the popes view. he was never a mason.

How did Charles Darwin view the fossil record?

useful support for his theory

What can Darwin's original view of evolutionary change be characterized as?

Not Punctuated Equilibrium. ;^;

Is Charles Darwin a priest before?

Darwin's view on religion has been the subject of a lot of interest. he attended a Church of England school. He studied theology, but he was not a priest.

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a struggle of classes:)