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He couldn't walk in Saul's armor and with Saul's sword (Saul was quite tall, and David was still a young boy at the time). So he needed a) a weapon to use (because he couldn't use the sword) and b) preferably something with range (because he couldn't use the armor). So, since he had a sling, and was a pretty good shot with it from using it to scare predators away from the sheep.


According to tradition, David was not a young boy (see 1 Samuel 16:18). He was in his twenties. Also, David did not kill the predators with his sling - he used his hands (1 Samuel 17:35). However, he was physically not a big man.

To address the question, the chief reason that David took nothing but a slingshot was to show his complete trust in God. The death of Goliath was a miracle in which God took part no less than did David.

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9y ago
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13y ago

The Bible does not say what happened to Goliath or to his weapons after David killed him.

I Sam. 21:19 says that the sword ended up with Ahimelech the priest. David visited him while running from Saul and ended up taking it from Ahimelech. Nothing is really known after that. There are some Irish traditions that the tribe of Dan showed up there and had Goliath's sword and spear, but that is random at best.

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16y ago

The Bible does not say what King David did with his slingshot after killing Goliath.

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16y ago

David used it to kill animals. He used it to protect his family's sheep. Soldiers used it in war. The soldiers were very skillful and could hit targets that were many feet away.

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16y ago

The Bible doesn't say, but it most likely would have been one he made himself and probably used it to defend his family's sheep.

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12y ago

Yes david did kill Goliath with a sling and stone.

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12y ago

Died (1 Samuel 17:45-51).

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10y ago

We may assume that he discarded them.

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Q: What did David do with Goliath's sword and weapons?
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