

What did Egyptians know about science?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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well they had wine

so they fermented stuff

alchohol production is a science

sure is

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8y ago
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the egyptians had nothing else to use. most likely they didnt even know or call it science.

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Did ancient Egyptians use science?

Yes, they did. A common misconception is that their science was mostly about mummification, but they understood math, engineering, astronomy, and a lot more.

How do people know about all of the ancient egyptians things?

~modern day people know the gods that the egyptians worshipped. ~they know the tombs of the pharaohs. ~they know how they used the Nile river and where they lived.

What advances did the egyptians make in mathematics and science?

the egyptians used hyroglyphs for mathematical problems , but only used fractions with 1 in the numerator. i dont think they were good scintists, for they were the ones who thought that the sun rotated around th earth.

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The Egyptians created a calendar to know when the Nile river flooded

How did Hieroglyps help Egyptians?

hieroglyphs help Egyptians because enemies wouldn't know what they were writing