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Einstein stated in his paper on special relativity that energy E and mass m is reliant on the speed of light c squared. This mathematical problem has helped resolve a great many riddles in the quantum mechanical world. The problem can also be applied to total energy and relative mass to be able to explain the effects of traveling toward the speed of light and in between solar systems.

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Q: What did Einstein discover about matter and energy?
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Describe how albert Einstein discovered the matter and energy?

Einstein did not discover matter and energy. Matter and energy have been around since the beginning of time.

When did Einstein discover that matter and energy could be changed into each other?

Around May 1904. just had homework on this.

What did alberet Einstein discover?

Einstein discovered mass and energy relation (e=mc2)

Did albert Einstein invent atomic energy?

Invent no, discover yes

What did Einstein say about matter and energy?

Einstein said that energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared.

Why did albert Einstein invent the formiula emc2?

Einstein 'discovered' that matter and energy are interchangeable and that is the equation which gives the amounts of each, matter and energy, involved in this change.

What year did Einstein discover the theory of relativity and the mass energy equivalence?

in 1905

When did Einstein write his theory about matter and energy?


Why is heat matter?

Heat is not a form of matter: it is a form of energy. Of course, Einstein famously proved the equivalence of matter and energy.

What did Albert Einstein do discover?

albert einstein discover a refrigerator

What is interconvertibility of matter and energy?

THe Einstein equation: E = mc2.

What is matter energy equivalent?

Einstein's equation, E=MC2.