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he didn't

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Q: What did Einstein think about the universe?
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Related questions

Did Einstein believe in a finite universe?

No. Einstein believed in a infinite universe.

What did Albert Einstein do to change the way scientists think about our universe?

Albert Einstein changed the meaning of the words distance, time, space.

What did Albert Einstein want to know about?

Einstein wanted to know about how the universe works.

Was Albert Einstein happy when he died?

Yes I think he was, because he had discovered many things about the universe and invented the E=mc2

How large did Einstein calculate the universe to be?

Einstein never made any such calculation. Even today the total size of our Universe is speculative at best. Einstein speculated it was infinite in both size and age.

What was named after Albert?

There are hundreds of things named after Albert Einstein. Among them are Boseâ??Einstein statistics, Einstein's constant, Einstein's radius of the universe,Einstein coefficients, and Einstein cosmological constant to get the list started.

What scientist changed how you view the universe?

Albert Einstein

Did Albert Einstein love to read books and think?

Yes, Albert Einstein was an avid reader and enjoyed contemplating deep philosophical and scientific ideas. He was known to spend hours immersed in books and thinking deeply about the nature of the universe.

Was Einstein successful in understanding the laws of the universe?

No, in the sense that there are still things to be understood. Einstein was successful in some ways, like the Universe is four dimensional, Special Relativity Theory .

How is Einstein's equation important to the Big Bang Theory?

Einstein's equation demonstrated that some of the energy released when the universe began was quickly turned into matter, the first matter in the universe.

How massive is the universe?

ever expanding according to albert Einstein

What is the static university theory and what did Einstein believe that that was impossible?

The static UNIVERSE model (not a theory) holds that our Universe has been in gravitational balance for all eternity. If general relativity correctly described gravitational interaction of matter -- and Einstein DEFINITELY believed in his model -- then the Universe would have to collapse into a singularity, a fact Einstein recognized almost immediately. He thus made this collapse disappear with a wave of his hand, saying the Universe contained a force (he called it the Cosmological Constant) that perfectly balanced against a collapse by gravity. Jesuit priest George LeMaitre showed that our Universe did not need Einstein's CC if it were expanding -- an idea Einstein ridiculed. When Edwin Hubble showed that our Universe IS, indeed, expanding; Einstein admitted his CC was his "greatest blunder."