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Q: What did Elizabethan think about witches?
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How many witches died in the Elizabethan era?

none cause they wernt witches mwahaahaha

What attitude did the witches have during the time Shakespeare was writing?

We do not have any records of what Elizabethan witches (assuming there really was such a thing) might have thought about anything.

What were the aspects of Elizabethan life?

They were all very superticious and believed in curses, witches, ghosts, and things like that!(:

What are Elizabethan attitudes toward the witches?

they believed in witches and ghosts. in Shakespeare's play Macbeth they would have really believed that banqos ghost had come back to haunt Macbeth they had several superstitions to do with ghosts.

Supernatural Elizabethan times?

They were very superstitious people who believed all sorts of things. They were scared of pretty much everything, and believed many things were caused by witches. They thought witches could fly, and our stereotypical version of the witch comes from them. They believed the devil was around every corner and that they always had to be on guard.

What did people think of witches in the 1600's?

People thought witches were horrible deadly people! People were hung, drowned and even burned at the stake if they were classified as a witch. Belief in ghosts, malevolent spirits, witches and other elements of the supernatural was typical in Elizabethan times (the late 16th century). Witches were considered a physical manifestation of evil and a threat to society's moral and religious fiber. This was the era of witch hunts and witch trials, a period that lasted from 1400 to 1700, culminating in the famous Salem witch trials of the late 1600s. Under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, England passed the 1562 Elizabethan Witchcraft Act forbidding "conjurations, enchantments and witchcraft's.

Did vikings believe in witches?

i think they might of believed in witchcraft but did they believe in witches

What was the difference between the Globe Theatre and the Elizabethan theater?

Nothing. The Globe theatre was one of the Elizabethan theatres. Think of "Elizabethan" as a time or type, not an actual theatre with that name.

How did they speak in elizabethan london?

Think Shakespearean English.

Why do whitches and vampires hate each other?

vampires and witches hate each other for several reasons 1 vampires think that witches are Strong and they think witches stole the vampire name when they were going to be called witches and last they take witches for their power so they can have vvampire and which power

Why people afraid of witches in the 16th and 17th centuries?

because witches were very scary then people didnt think witches were very nice

What did people think about jealousy in Elizabethan times?

the taught she was on her period