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they put a barrier of ships called an armada witch Spain kncked and dystroyed all of

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Q: What did England do in the great age of exploration?
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What countries were great world powers?

(Depends what time) During the age of exploration it was Spain, Portugal, England, and France

What form of the government did the England have during the age of exploration?

Like most of Europe in the age of exploration, England was a monarchy.(This is the only thing in the text that is related to the question.) Hope this help:)monarchy

What European countries dominated the age of exploration?

The Age of Exploration was dominated by Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain, and the Netherlands.

The sixteenth century was an age of great exploration.?


What country was powerful in Europe during the golden age of exploration?

There were multiple most powerful countries in Europe during the Golden Age of Exploration. They included Spain, France, and England.

Who paid for Henry Hudson exploration?

England exploration Henry Hudson.

What countries began the age of exploration?

The countries that participated in the Age of Exploration were Spain, England, Portugal, France, and the Netherlands. Exploration of the New World included the discoveries of Christopher Columbus, the conquest of the Spanish conquistadors in Mexico and Peru, and the founding of the different colonies by the English.

What happened to England after the middle ages?

The Renaissance. There were great achievements in science, art, music, literature and exploration.

How did the Age of Exploration help change the balance of power in Europe?

The Age of Exploration brought out four European Great Powers. In the beginning, Spain and Portugal were the only explorers and claimed the most land. But then, France and Great Britain also became major players. In the end, Great Britain was the most powerful country. So throughout the period of exploration, power shifted from Spain to Great Britain.

What type of government did England and much of Europe have during the age of exploration?

they had the some one dude learn from ur mistakes

What were the five main mother countries during the age of exploration in the 1500 and 1600s?

Portugal, Spain, France, England, the Netherlands.

Why were rulers willing to sponsor voyages during the age of exploration?

The Age of Exploration had a great impact on geography. Explorers travelled around the world to different regions to learn more about Africa and America and brought back their knowledge to Europe. The first country that started the Age of Exploration was Portugal while under the leadership of Henry the Navigator.