

What did Europeans fear during the Cold War?

Updated: 6/18/2021
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13y ago

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the soviet unions dicdk

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Q: What did Europeans fear during the Cold War?
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Why did the cold war lead to a new western world?

now do you mean after the cold war or during. if during it was from all the fear of nuclear attack

What Countries were involved with Berlin during the cold war?

Berlin Germany was caught in the middle during the cold war, it near evenly split the Europeans on both sides.

What did the US fear the Soviet Union would do during the Cold War?

Start WW3 by launching nukes

What caused the red scare What was its result?

The Red scare was the fear of the spread of communism during the cold war.

Why did Australia fear communism with China?

Australia & New Zealand were part of ANZUS and SEATO during the Viet War; Both countries are located in the Asian Sphere, there was no fear of Nationalist China (Taiwan) as it was an ally during the Cold War.

What affect did cold war fear have on domestic politics?

The effect of the cold war on politics is the fear that communism would spread in to United States.

What caused the red scare and what was it and result?

The Red scare was the fear of the spread of communism during the cold war.

Kennedy was president during what war?

He was president during the cold war and vietnam.

Which country dropped the atomic bomb in the cold war?

No nation dropped an atomic weapon during the cold war. The cold war is not the same as World War 2. Two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan by the US at the end of World War 2. The cold war is called 'cold' because it was not an actual armed conflict. It was a period marked by a conflict of ideologies, propaganda and fear.

What is the impact of cold war in Africa?

Europeans heavily colonized many of the different countries in Africa. During the time of the cold war, there was a string of independence movements from many of the different countries in Africa with Libya being the first in 1952.

What did Americans fear in the cold war?

nukes lol

What was a direct result of the US's fear that the Soviet Union would expand its power around the world?

The Cold War was the fear that the Soviet Union would expand communism.