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China invented paper so paper has been is use for thousands of years.

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Q: What did Europeans first use paper for?
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First country to use paper?

Paper was invented in China. Papyrus is older, but is not paper.

What group of people was the first to create and use paper money?

The first users of paper money where in China

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They would take warm blankets, candles, ink, paper, warm clothes (coats, hats....) with them.

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The first Europeans came to Australia and the Aborigines were living on reserves. Reserves are lands that were set aside for the use of registered Indians.

Where was the first use of paper money?


When did the first Europeans arrive in America?

the first Europeans came in 1497

Who was the first to use paper?

The first known use of paper or anything resembling paper was in Ancient Egypt around 3700 BC.It was, at the time, called papyrus (and comes from the plant of the same name) and is the root of the word "paper" in terms of origin.

What country is the origin of the first paper money?

China was the first country to use both paper money and the printing press.

Were in the world was the first paper money use?
