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Q: What did Europeans want from Africa during the slave trade?
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What was not a result of the slave trade conducted by Europeans in West Africa?

Slavery began to be practiced in Africa.

Why did europeans build empires in Africa after the end of the African slave trade?

for the natural resources founded in Africa

Who was the US trading with during the civil war?

The slave trade? The Europeans.

What took place in the slave trade?

The Europeans landed in Africa and bought slaves from Africa. They brought the slaves to the colonies in America by ship.

What was a direct result of the European slave trade in Africa?

It prompted a feeling of racial superiority among Europeans.

Why did Europeans interest in Africa turn from slave trade to colonization?

Europeans interest in Africa turned from slave trade to colonization due to the increased demand for resources such as minerals, rubber, and ivory, as well as the potential for establishing commercial markets and strategic military positions on the continent. Additionally, advancements in technology and transportation made it easier for European powers to establish control over African territories.

How did trade change coastal east Africa's culture?

Introduced them to a new culture and eventually led them to participate in slave trade with Europeans.

How did the slave trade change after Europeans arrived in Africa?

The Europeans took over all of the slaves and made the romans slaves and they were all stooped

Europeans established southern africa s coastal cities as?

Europeans established South African coastal cities as trading ports. This was especially common during the slave trade but was used for other commodities as well.

How did the the age of exploration contribute to European involvement the African slave trade?

Europeans came into contact with African slave traders while exploring the coast of Africa.

How did the Age of Exploration contribute to European involvement in the African slave trade?

Europeans came into contact with African slave traders while exploring the coast of Africa.

How long did it take from africa to america during the slave trade?

it took 4 months from africa to america