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Q: What did Florence Nightingale care for soldiers during this war?
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What was the full name of florence nightingale?

She has no middle name, she is called Miss FLorence Nightingale named after Florence,Italy her birthplace."Florence Nightingale"

Who did florence nightingale admire?

Florence Nightingale admired the work of Mary Seacole, a Jamaican nurse who also tended to soldiers during the Crimean War. Nightingale respected Seacole's dedication to providing medical care and support to those in need, and the two nurses met briefly during the war.

What is Florence Nightingale good at?

Nursing. Or rather: the organization of the care of sick and wounded soldiers in wartime.

Who is the woman of lamp?

The Woman of the Lamp is a reference to Florence Nightingale, a renowned British nurse known for her work during the Crimean War. She earned this nickname for her nightly rounds tending to wounded soldiers with a lamp in hand. Nightingale's contributions revolutionized nursing and healthcare practices.

When did Florence Nightingale set up a hospital?

Florence Nightingale set up her first hospital in 1854 during the Crimean War. She famously established a medical facility in Scutari, Turkey, to care for wounded soldiers.

What countries in Europe did Florence Nightingale travel to?

Florence Nightingale travelled to various countries in Europe, including Germany, France, Italy, Greece, and Turkey, during her nursing career. She visited these countries to study healthcare practices, establish hospitals, and provide care to wounded soldiers.

Is the story Florence Nightingale true?

Yes, Florence Nightingale was a real historical figure known as the founder of modern nursing. She gained prominence for her work during the Crimean War by improving sanitation practices and care for wounded soldiers, and she is considered a pioneer in the field of nursing.

What was florence nightingale known for most?

Florence Nightingale is most known for her pioneering work as a nurse during the Crimean War, where she implemented sanitary practices that greatly improved medical care for soldiers. She is also recognized for her efforts in establishing nursing as a respected profession for women and for her contributions to public health and healthcare reform.

Which profession did florence nightingale work in?

A engineer Florence Nightingale was a nurse. She standardized nursing care as a profession.

Health care became safer because of florence?

Florence Nightingale.

Why florence nightingale is called as 'flit on cheering angel'?

Florence Nightingale is often referred to as the "Lady with the Lamp" because of her practice of making rounds at night to tend to wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. This title emphasizes her dedication and compassion in providing care to those in need.

Who saved more lives Mary Seacole or Florence Nightingale?

Florence Nightingale is known to have saved more lives than Mary Seacole. Nightingale's work in establishing nursing as a profession and improving sanitation in hospitals significantly reduced mortality rates during the Crimean War. Seacole, while also providing medical care during the war, did not have the same impact on public health and healthcare reform as Nightingale.