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Washington agreed with Jay that the Article had "errors" that needed to be corrected. He complained that, as it as the thirteen "disunited States" could never agree. He also suggested that human nature being what it was, American needed a stronger (that is, less democratic) national government.

That was from the grading key, i suggest you put that in you own words.

Washington agreed with Jay that the Article had "errors" that needed to be corrected. He complained that, as it as the thirteen "disunited States" could never agree. He also suggested that human nature being what it was, American needed a stronger (that is, less democratic) national government.

That was from the grading key, i suggest you put that in you own words.

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Q: What did George Washington mean by saying we have errors to correct while agreeing to John Jay's criticism of the Articles of Confederation?
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In what year was the ratification to the constitution?

Contrary to the process for "alteration" spelled out in Article 13 of the Articles of Confederation, Congress submitted the proposal to the states and set the terms for representation. On September 17, 1787, the Constitution was completed in Philadelphia at the Federal Convention, followed by a speech given by Benjamin Franklin who urged unanimity, although they decided they only needed nine states to ratify the constitution for it to go into effect. The Convention submitted the Constitution to the Congress of the Confederation, where it received approval according to Article 13 of the Articles of Confederation, but the resolution of the Congress submitting the Constitution to the states for ratification and agreeing with its provision for implementation upon ratification by nine states is contrary to Article 13, though eventually all thirteen states did ratify the Constitution, albeit after it took effect. After fierce fights over ratification in many of the states, New Hampshire became that ninth state on June 21, 1788. Once the Congress of the Confederation received word of New Hampshire's ratification, it set a timetable for the start of operations under the Constitution, and on March 4, 1789, the government under the Constitution began operations.

Why did napoleon sigh a treaty with the US in agreeing to respect the neutrality rights of the US?

Why did Napoleon sign a treaty with the U.S. in 1810 agreeing to respect the neutrality rights of the U.S.?

What causes a country to declare war?

When they are mad at each other and are not agreeing on something

Us demands that Soviets withdraw missiles from cuba how was the Cuban missile crisis revolved?

The Cuban missile crisis was resolved by the USSR agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba and the United States agreeing to remove its missiles from Turkey.

In what way did the United Kingdom France and the Soviet Union deal with Germany similarly in the years before World War 2?

They tried to avoid war with Germany by agreeing to some of its demands .

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Washington DC? Washington, the state? Washington, George? Washington DC - Alexander Hamilton made a compromise with farmers who showed dissent towards his policies. He compromised by agreeing creating the capital more southwards. He then hired a french architect to design it.

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The opposite of agreeing is disagreeing.

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Because there are many Canadians that would like to see it so. Instead Canada is a Confederation of many Nations. The difference is that a Confederation has a weak federal government and the members in the Confederation are there by choice. In a Canadian Federation the federal government would have total control, or very much more than it does now, and the members would not be allowed to leave or make any major decisions without Canada agreeing.

What is another word for agreeing on the constitution?

Agreeing with the constitution is known as being constitutional.

What issues had to be solved before the constitution could be ratified?

The Founding Fathers found their original constitution, called the "Articles of Confederation" did not solve all the structural problems the new United States Nation required. 1787 they worked on writing the new Constitution. Important issues included the rights of states, agreeing on the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments after the Constitution was ratified, and one of the most contentious issues: How was the issue of continuing slavery in the South going to be handled?

In what year was the ratification to the constitution?

Contrary to the process for "alteration" spelled out in Article 13 of the Articles of Confederation, Congress submitted the proposal to the states and set the terms for representation. On September 17, 1787, the Constitution was completed in Philadelphia at the Federal Convention, followed by a speech given by Benjamin Franklin who urged unanimity, although they decided they only needed nine states to ratify the constitution for it to go into effect. The Convention submitted the Constitution to the Congress of the Confederation, where it received approval according to Article 13 of the Articles of Confederation, but the resolution of the Congress submitting the Constitution to the states for ratification and agreeing with its provision for implementation upon ratification by nine states is contrary to Article 13, though eventually all thirteen states did ratify the Constitution, albeit after it took effect. After fierce fights over ratification in many of the states, New Hampshire became that ninth state on June 21, 1788. Once the Congress of the Confederation received word of New Hampshire's ratification, it set a timetable for the start of operations under the Constitution, and on March 4, 1789, the government under the Constitution began operations.

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The present tense of "to be" followed by "agreeing". For third person plural, for example, "They are agreeing."

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Is consistent-agreeing antonyms or synonyms?


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what the delegates gained by agreeing to the compromise was that at the constitutional convention was that everyone had a different idea for a new government